5 Difficulties of Watercolor Painting

5 Difficulties of Watercolor Painting

In past times, the profession of watercolor painting has been an area with a lot of difficulties. There is no doubting the fact that watercolor painting is identified as a hard task. More often than not, this is due to the problems that individual painters encounter while painting.

In this regard, we have identified a number of significant difficulties that watercolor painters often encounter with the aim of proffering lasting solutions. It is likely you will face the following difficulties (given the past experiences of watercolor painters);

 Hard Waterlines

In the process of applying water to an area before it is completely dry, there is a possibility that it may dilute the color - carrying the pigment to the outside edges and leaving behind unwanted hard lines. More often than not, this occurs due to the fact that watercolor painters hardly exercise patience for the areas to dry completely before reapplying water or color.

 Grainy Washes

Mineral pigments and sedimentary colors tend to create grainy washes. Consequently, it leaves you with a palette that is uncovered which allows dust particles to accumulate and often result in unwanted texture.

Warping and Buckling Paper

Watercolor tends to pool on lighter weight papers, often causing warping and buckling. In this regard, the watercolor painters often face the challenge of unwanted lines due to the uneven airflow. 

Excess Water

Another inevitable challenge you are likely to face in the course of watercolor painting is excess water. This has been a recurring problem among watercolor painters due to poor control of the natural-hair brush.

 Backwashes and Blooming

The ability of two areas drying at different rates can create back-washes and blossom. During the drying process, water from the wetter, slower drying area seeps into the drier area, resulting in a blossom. In most cases, this usually creates an unbelievable disaster.

By: Jeremy Earl


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