They say paint pens are the bling of art. Okay, maybe nobody says that, but they really could.
Paint pens can produce really cool/beautiful/provocative art on their own, but what I love most about them is their ability to finish off paintings with a special touch.
Almost like the perfect piece of jewelry makes an outfit, or like that one recruited rookie that makes an unbeatable team.
I'm telling you, these guys need to be in your art arsenal.
- Opaque
- Water Based
- Multi Surface
Writes on: Paintings, Rocks, Surfboards, Pottery, Fabric, Paper, Canvas Photographs,Glass, Plastic, Stickers, Wood, Metal, Graffiti, DIY Signs, Cardboard, Classroom Designs, Holiday DIY, Date Polaroids, Scrapbook, Personalization Projects and so much more!
- Paint Pens are permanent on porous surfaces
- Removable on non-porous surfaces such as glass and porcelain.
- You can make the paint permanent on non-porous surfaces by applying a varnish or baking the item.
- When using with watercolors on paper, you will want to make sure your paint has completely dried to prevent reactivating the watercolor (this can tear the paper)
- Use the opacity feature to paint light over darks. (You will want to wait for layers to dry before applying the next...)
- Take advantage of their opacity and layer mixing reds and yellows perfecting a silent sunset (it is not recommended to use this technique on paper because it will likely result in tearing.)
- You can rinse nibs (tips) in water to clean.