Why A Bad Gambler Is A Good Artist

Why A Bad Gambler Is A Good Artist

If any of you reading this has ever been to a casino, you know that there are a few different kinds of people there...



1. The broke addict 
2. The professionals 
3. The broke addicts friends (that know W H E N to stop gambling)


Finishing a piece of art is a lot like being the friend of a gambling addict. You observe your friends addiction to every casino visit they can get their hands on, they attend frequent underground poker games, and find some way to get more money just to have the opportunity to take it A L L home. 
Art Gamble Theory - When you're up $15,000 dollars and think you can make $1000 more - your painting may turn to $0
Now, to be honest I completely just made that theory up, but i've worked on enough projects to know that if you love where your artwork is at the moment (still wet). You're taking a huge risk by thinking you can create better than what you've already done. 



On the contrary some may advise to keep going, and in some cases I would also but, knowing that you have the option of stopping (in your left back pocket) is a  g o o d  thing to remember when you're on the brink of adding that additional color or stroke to something you already find incredible. 



From experience I can say that there have been multiple times where my painting has come out absolutely astonishing - to the point where I cant even believe I was the one who created it, then I add another color or lightly touch the tip of the paper with my brush and a feeling of rage is felt throughout my entire body - I've R U I N E D my artwork - this is not a pleasant feeling and makes me feel as though i'm not as good as I think I am. 


Key takeaway: Knowing when to stop and take your $15,000 can help you preserve your best pieces. Subsequently, know that in general if you have no plan to attack a goal it makes it that much harder to accomplish what you set out to do. Which is also why you should know your color wheel and ALL the secret techniques that come with becoming the best painter you can possibly be. 

 - Until next time - 

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